If you’re 18 or older, you could win your part of thousands of dollars in outdoor gear, just by stopping in, registering and meeting the team at Jenkins Ford in Crystal River during their Great Outdoors Give-away!
Jenkins Ford is giving away Coleman family size tents, pop up canopies, gas grilles, and sleeping bags, Igloo coolers, stand up paddle boards, kayaks, men’s and ladies Schwinn bikes and an electric E-bike! No purchase or test drive is necessary…just stop in and register to win!
Join Kelly Wright this Saturday from noon till two, at Jenkins Ford for free lunch, and give-aways every 10 minutes including restaurant certificates, camping gear, tickets to the 7 Bridges-Eagles concert, and a prize package of a family size Coleman tent, sleeping bags, gas grille and an igloo cooler!
Jenkins Ford has cash back of up to $6,000 on remaining 2024 Edge models, and $7,000 cash back on 2024 Ford Expeditions… with additional cash back and low APR financing offers on qualifying NEW vehicles with approved credit, see dealer for details.
We will see you this Saturday from noon till two at Jenkins Ford of Crystal River, part of the Jenkins family of dealerships, on US 19 in Crystal River, just north of Rural King. Online at JenkinsFordofCrystalRiver.com